TRACE disrupts traffic movement for Obasanjo’s 80th birthday


NIGERIA: FOR the sake of former President Olusegun Obasanjo, vehicular movement will be disrupted on Saturday in some parts of Abeokuta, the Ogun State capital.

The traffic control agency in the Gateway State, the Traffic Compliance Agency (TRACE), said that the disruption was due to huge human and vehicular movement in the city due to Obasanjo’s 80th birthday ceremony.

“This is to inform the Motoring Public that due to the envisaged increase in human and vehicular movement into Abeokuta, the Ogun State Capital, on the occasion of the 80th Birthday of former President, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, GCFR, and the official opening of Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library, OOPL, there would be temporary diversion of traffic tomorrow Saturday, 4th March 2017, by 0700hrs-1400hrs and on Sunday, 5th March 2017 by 0700hrs-1400hrs,” TRACE said in a news release signed by Commander Akinbiyi Babatunde, the Head, Media Relations and Strategy and Public Relations Officer, and made available to the GatewayMail.

*Seni Ogunyemi…TRACE boss.

Babatunde also explained in the news release entitled “Traffic Diversion Plan” on how the vehicular movement would be controlled thus:

*Motorist entering Abeokuta through Interchange-Siun- Kobape-Oke Mosan axis are diverted towards Ijeun Lukosi, after Federal Secretariat and exit through PHCN Office, on Abiola-Way.

*Motorist within Abeokuta metropolis going towards Oke-Mosan-Kobape-Siun axis should avoid going through Kuto but through Ijaiye-Iyana Motuary-Abiola Way (PHCN Office)-Ijeun Lukosi and exit at Oke-Mosan en route Kobape-Siun-Interchange.

*Motorist coming into Abeokuta through Obantoko and going towards Oke-Mosan- Siun axis should also avoid plying Kuto but should go through Ijaiye-Iyana Mortuary-Abiola Way (PHCN Office)-Ijeun Lukosi to exit at Oke-Mosan enroute Kobape-Siun-Interchange.

Babatunde further added: “However, those for the afore-mentioned programme should please avail themselves of the parking space provided at MKO Abiola Stadium to park their vehicles, from where they would board a bus which will convey them to the venue of the programme.”

“The same thing applies to motorist entering Abeokuta through the Sango-Ota axis of the Old Lagos-Abeokuta Expressway,” Babatunde further said, adding: “They should also park their vehicles at MKO Abiola Stadium, where buses are available to convey them to the venue of the programme.”

He also stated that motorist entering Abeokuta through the Sagamu Interchange-Siun-Kobape axis for the progamme and who are not VVIP’s, should park their vehicles at the Arcade Ground, Oke-Mosan, where buses would be waiting to convey them to the venue of the event.

The TRACE image maker also said: “Motorists are further advised to follow the erected diversional signs as TRACE Corps Operatives would be on ground to manage, control and regulate traffic at designated diversional routes.”

“While thanking the motoring public for their cooperation and understanding, we apologise for any inconvenience this may cause,” Babatunde added.

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